I Am The Fog In The Forest



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Articles tagged acoustic

[ Bits & Pieces ]

Bits & Pieces n°2

Frozen Night & Prince Whateverer - Lunar Eclipse III

I will start today's blogpost with some symphonic metal. This one begins quite quietly, with a sort of astral ambience. Quite naturally, the metal part emerges, with a melodic guitar taking the lead. The vocal part follows with the beautiful voice of Holly Frances Royle. After this developement, the song tones down a bit. It's time for some violin by Andra Stefan.

Over all, this song is a stellar atmospheric one. The guitar helps reinforcing the "epic" side of it, while the orchestration and singing creates the more ethereal aspect.

You can purchase this song on Bandcamp or listen to it on Youtube.

Jyc Row - Sun of the Night VIP

Jyc Row has released a new version of Sun of the Night. The VIP stands indeed for Variation In Production. It still features Felicia Fererre as the singer, but adds a cello part by Yoed Nir, and has overall a better polish. It's a very regal and epic song, fitting for her majesty Daybreaker (the queen whom the song is about). Jyc Row is mostly an epic orchestral composer, and this song is a prime example of what he can achieve. The cello solo is amazing and adds a lot to this already great song.

Get it on Soundcloud for free, listen to it on Youtube or purchase it on Bandcamp

Eccentrifuge - Cadence's Heart

To end this article on a quieter note, here is Eccentrifuge's Cadence's Heart. In this version (from the "repack"), there are some vocals added. It starts with them, which creates a smooth layer on which to add the instruments. The instrumentation is very calm with quiet pizzicati, some harp, some piano, a bunch of wind instruments. The song then slowly develops to a more percussive and punchier finale. It's overall a very peaceful song, and both this version and the instrumental one are great.

You can purchase it on Bandcamp or listen to it on Youtube.

Written by masuksa
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